江西九江融信碧桂园金地国贸 · 九棠示范区
Rongxin & Country garden
Demonstration area
Project scale
Completion time
The project is located at Jiujiang, Jiangxi province, of which surrounding environment is relatively rundown, with some old communities next to it.  Only Renmin Road on the east side is available for vehicle.  The boundary of demonstration area is a irregular rectangle and its height difference is rich. The Architect has a certain inclination angle with the municipal road  on the east side. The  terrain of site is high in the east and south, and low in the west and north.

The design Learns from nature. All elements are harmonious and unified. the flexible curve softens the original rigid boundary, as if a dancing streamer travels through the natural land. The design hopes to have a profound artistic conception, quiet and peaceful, simple and elegant.